Anyway, despite the weather, we had a really good time. It rained on and off, but nothing really too bad.
Mrs Thatcher was there for the 25th Falklands anniversary service, and we bumped into her as we were looking around some of the displays in the hangar. Carols youngest asked if she was the Queen :-D No, I replied, she just thought she was!
She looked quite frail, but then again, she is in her 80's. She didn't look bored, and seemed to be quite enjoying herself.
This is some equipment hidden under a camo net - I almost walked into it - thats how good the camouflage is ;-)
Here's the AWACS. You could get on board it and have a look around, but the queues were big and by the time we got there it was closing
I was amazed at how much kids love fun fairs. All the kids we went with wanted to do was go on the waltzers and win gold fish from the hook a duck stall, and all around us was all this hardware and aircraft :-) Priorities eh?!
Just recovering Mark, I looked at the title of this thread and thought you'd got married without telling us!
LOL no! Been there, done that ;-)
you will be soon!!!! as for the kids, lets think about it..........aeroplane, doing nothing, or loads of rides at a fun fair, ummmmm i wonder, were you not young once?
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