Thursday, March 30, 2006

Checked out, Checked in

Well Ive left the apartment and handed the keys in. It was quite sad to leave the place, after its been my home for the last, almost, 8 months. Ive handed my car back'll be a bit different coming home and driving my Megan around again!

I've checked into the airport now too, and Im writing this from the Admirals Club at DFW...I've almost finished my first free pint too. I had to pay $330 excess baggage fee - LOL! Well my company did, it would have been cheaper for them to just let me ship most of my stuff home like I suggested to them, but hey ho.

Ive got my flight socks on, and I have an aspirin to take before I board, so hopefully I wont get DVT. Its really humid here today and very cloudy, and there are thunderstorms forecast for later in the day - I just hope Im long gone before they happen...

Anyway, this free beer isn't going to drink itself, I'll sign off and next time I blog will be when Im back in the UK

See y'all later

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Blogging Groupies

Spoke to Ali R today and Becky C. I used to work with them. They were in the next office to me, and i used to pop in to gossip with them about this and that when I worked there. I was noted for my gossip, apparently :-) Well I got a bit of a ticking off today for not blogging about them in all my time here: "Oh, its all Tony this, Paul that, Mark the other" moaned Ali, and I could hear Becky in the background agreeing. I pointed out that most of these people had come out to see me, and Ali and Becky hadn't, so they didn't deserve a post, but I didn't want to incur a womans wrath, so here we go...

Anyway, Ali, who is a Scot, always used to pronouce the word 'Food' as 'Fid', and would always ask if I would like to 'chum her to the shop fae fid'. This was basically an opportunity for me get away from my desk and the newsgroups for five minutes, or to have a break from writing crank letters to the Malvern Gazzette, and for Ali to indulge in her love of chocolate and gossip, and spending money. I have always like the Scottish accent, but could never quite understand why the word 'Fae' substituted the word 'For' Or actually, come to think of it, it sometimes means 'From' doesn't it? (Hazard? Sazza? Help me out here) I have heard it used to ask the question "Och Aye De Noo, is anyone fae Scotland?". LOL! Does anyone in Scotland ever actually use the term 'Och Aye De Noo'?! And what might it mean? Is it the English version of 'Cor, Perishin' Blimey'?

Ali is also a pretty good tennis player.

Becky isn't Scottish, but graduated in English with a first I think, from some great university or other. She throws a mean house party, and once again i would like to appologise for being ill in your garden, and collapsing in your living room :-)
Becky is a regular on the camping/rafting/surfing weekends we have had over the last 6 years (can you believe its 6 years this year?!) and she still manages to get her makeup perfect, and look good in a tracky in a force ten gale.
She can often be found in sophisticated joints like Bushwhackers in Worcester dancing on the table, and drinking some kind of weird brew.

Pretty much, when the chips are down, you can count on Becky and Ali to be there with a card and cake and as much tea and sympathy as you can shake a stick at!

Happy now ladies?! I bet Barbara will want a mention now!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Hey MrGoatse you've got the Celtic Gene!

I was browsing the information super dual-carrigeway the other day (was I browsing or surfing..I dunno) and I came across an article about the 'Celtic Gene' that some Irish folk have. It seems it makes them more susceptible (im sure Ive spelt that wrong) to Haemochromatosis - it means they have too much iron in the blood, but Im sure the higher than average IQ of my readers on here already worked that out from the roots of the big H word (Phil, I explained it for your benefit!)

MrGoatse is of both Scottish and Irish ancestry, so I reckon that makes him a proper celt, and I really did laugh out loud when I read the symptoms. Firstly, exessive tiredness - MrG is always late! Secondly, Liver problems...well I imagine with all the ale he puts away he will have liver problems sooner or later! Thirdly, Impotence...I always wondered why his lady friend looked a bit down at heel - now we know why!

But the bit that made me laugh the most was the revelation that it effects people who easily tan! How many celtic folk do you know who easily tan??! Erm....none! I think even I tan better than the celts and i only have to be out in the sun for 2 seconds and Im burnt to a frazzle! So, MrG I don't actually reckon you have the gene.

Scientific studies eh? I could have spent that money on beer :-(

Friday, March 24, 2006


Bought 3 films today from Wal-Mart. Walk the Line, Crash and Matrix - Revolutions. I realise now that I have already seen that Matrix film and its actually revelations I havent seen, so Ill probably take it back tomorrow.

I thought Walk the Line was pretty good. I thought Joaquin Pheonix did a good job and even sounded a lot and looked a lot like Johnny Cash. Did I miss part of the film though? I always thought his career high point was performing at San Quentin, and that wasn't in the film. The Fulsom prison gig was featured though. Also, I was a bit disappointed there was no mention of Cash's appearance on the TV show Columbo, where he played a rebel singer who got caught for some dastardly crime or other :-) Maybe I watch too many shows like Columbo, Quincy and Ironside?

Crash was utterly great. Well deserved Best picture Oscar. Its just one of those stories that grab your attention in the first ten minutes and doesn't let go until the credits are rolling.
Im not giving any of the inter-twining plots away, but I did work two or three of them out about half way through.

I need to buy some more DVD's now. I want to see Capote, Syriana, Good Night Good Luck and Jarhead. Any other recommendations? Are they on DVD in the UK yet or should I buy them out here before I go home?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

If You Were a Super Hero

Following on from Michelles comment, thought id have some fun with it

What Would Your Name Be?
Doktor Terror-Byte

What Would You Wear?
A white coat, combat pants and a Hazardous Environment suite like this....

What Would your Super Powers Be?
Charm, comic....timing - I would be able to make people die laughing with one brilliantly timed gag, weather predicting skills.

Would You Have any Weapons?
Well, two pistols would look good, but I would be rubbish using them, so maybe just a HL2 Grav Gun, it allows u to pick thing up and shoot them at people

Would You Be a Force For Good Or Evil?
Oh evil! Im just a good looking rebel who plays by his own rules :-)

Hmm, ok, maybe I over egged the 'fun' part :-) Howver according to Quiz Farm Im..... (drum roll)

You scored as James Bond, Agent 007. James Bond is MI6's best agent, a suave, sophisticated super spy with charm, cunning, and a license's to kill. He doesn't care about rules or regulations and somewhat amoral. He does care about saving humanity though, as well as the beautiful women who fill his world. Bond has expensive tastes, a wide knowledge of many subjects, and his usually armed with a clever gadget and an appropriate one-liner.

James Bond, Agent 007


Neo, the "One"


Captain Jack Sparrow


The Terminator


The Amazing Spider-Man


Batman, the Dark Knight


Lara Croft


Indiana Jones




William Wallace


El Zorro


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with
I rule :-) How like me the commentry is too! Im a bit worried that Im 54% Lara Croft - my man boobs aren't that big! But I think these quizes are pretty scientific and accurate - Neo, and Jack Sparrow - thats sums me up :-)

Shock, Horror

Woke up this morning...TV on CNN. Weather report..."North Texans are this morning waking up to a smattering of snow"

Well, I didn't see that coming a mile off! Although there was no snow in Addison, it was only about 35 degrees (thats about 3 or 4 degrees c I think) I really could have done with a jumper, but my box of stuff that I posted on Monday turned up in England today :-)

Can't believe I'll be heading off to the airport this time next week...

Watched the New Series of Southpark last night...I don't think Isaac Hayes will be very chuffed. I just don't know how the writers come up with consistant comedy every week. They apparently write it a couple of days before it airs. What if they get writers block?!

Anyway, I have bloggers block right Im off to a meeting

Sunday, March 19, 2006

My Prediction for the Next Eleven Days

Well, I have packed up all my skiing gear. My salapettes, gloves, big gortex coat, warm socks, big jumpers and my other warm coat.

Ergo, without any shadow of a doubt, I predict freezing weather to sweep across the state of Texas in the run up to March 30th. See; Trueman Show...

It has already been raining none stop the entire weekend. I just bet its gonna get colder!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

More Karma

Jeezo, you do a good deed and you literally get shat on!

Following on from the Squirry the Squirel post, I decided I had been a bit hard on the little fella, threatening to kill him and all :-)

So, as a peace offering (and to lead him into a false sense of security, if need be in the future!) I decided to leave him some trail mix that I didn't want, on my balcony. Lo and behold, the other week, he turned up and ate the nuts as I watched him from about a metre away.

Just been out on my balcony - its been raining all day, so I thought I'd check on the water level of the stream. And the wall on the balcony has a few squirrel 'pellets' left on them!

It reminds me of something that happened when I used to work shifts. I was on a night shift on an incredibly cold night, and an old tramp had chosen the door way of the company I worked for as his bed for the night. I decided it might be a good idea to give him a few cups of tea to keep him warm through the night - I didn't exactly fancy stepping over his frozen body when I left in the morning. My boss came in at 8am, moaning about the ocean of p!ss in the doorway. Ho Hum

Last Night

Went out with Paul S last night (otherwise known as 'Herman' due to his uncanny resemblance to the popular 60's TV show munster). He was in Fort Worth on business.

We tried to go to the Sherlock, but due to St Paddy's day, they had bouncers outside the tent that had been erected outside. We got asked for ID. I didn't have any, but then I remembered I had my work pass in my car. I ran to get it, but then they said we needed something with a date of birth on it. was lucky for that bouncer that he was taller than me, had bigger muscles than me, and generally looked overall fitter than me, otherwise there would have been trouble :-)

We tried a wine bar - LOL! Not really our style, so we walked out. Ended up in the Londoner (well it is close by!) and then to the Claypit again for a curry :-) So I wont write about them, cos I've written about them before. I will say though, never play darts with Paul! It seems height gives an advantage, cos once again, I got trounced! Also, it dawned on me that we pretty much did similar places when Tony was here. He flew out the next day too. I did warn Paul he should get some flight socks! Especially as its an 18 hour flight back to Denmark

I left my car in the hotel car park last night, so I walked back today to pick it up and give Paul a lift to the airport. Ever feel that you're in your very own 'Trueman Show' and you're the star - your life secretly filmed for the entertainment of millions?

I already had a bit of a cold coming on from walking home in the rain last night, but this morning, as I stepped out of my door, there was no rain. I walked a little further up the street and it started to drizzle a little. By the time I had walked out of the gates, it was like someone had turned a tap on!

I was thinking....Im giving a lift to a friend back to the airport, so his colleagues don't have to bother driving out of their way, find his hotel, pick him up, and Karma is repaying me with a soaking. I dont mind, I'll do a good deed - what can I say? Im a nice guy. While Im doing this, Im getting utterly soaked, probably making my cold get worse. But its my good turn of the day. I just hope Karma is watching...and by the way karma, I don't want any sissy 'feel good' rewards, Im talking cold, hard cash, thank you very much...

Dad, get the lottery tickets in, I'll pay you back when I get home (see; Nice)

Sense of Direction

It seems that a lack of sleep can affect (effect? I can never remember) your ability to find your way around. Rubbish i say...

My sense of direction, or lack of it, is legendary. But i regularly get upwards of eight hours of sleep a night (beauty sleep you see - not that I really need it) I just get lost anywhere. My dad and my brother are just as bad, if not as worse as me, and they're not sleep deprived. Obviously my brother really does need his beauty sleep.

Studies in rats have shown that the less sleep Rodney the rat gets, the worse his spatial ability.

Roland wished he had got more sleep last night. His Mrs really nags im on these long journeys. He wishes they would hurry up and invent 'Rat Nav' :-)
Is it genetic? Nope. A friend of mine has a worse sense of direction than me. He once went to a restaurant yards from his hotel, and when he walked out he turned the wrong way in the street and ended up having to get a taxi back a few hours later!

Is it a geograpical problem? Maybe. I have found since being in the US, that my lack of navigational ability isn't quite as bad as it is in the UK. Yesterday I drove all the way from Fort Worth and didnt even get lost once. So what you say?...thats a big acheivement for me!

I think these scientists need to do more tests.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Tonya and Cheering

Im gonna watch 'Anything to Win' tonight which is about Tonya Harding and the frightful sordidness that happened to her rival Nancy Kerrigan. I don't really know much about this apart from Nancy's knee got bit of a 'rough housing' before a crucial skating tournament that would have maybe seen her being picked for the olympics.

Im also watching it because from the pictures I remember of the 1994 Tonya are of this slim pretty blonde girl. But the trailers on TV show a woman with long dank dirty looking blonde hair and carrying a 'few extra pounds'. It might be just a trick of the TV lights I suppose.

It also reminds me of when I last saw Steve Ovett on TV. We all remember Steve Ovett's running skills and rivalary with Seb Coe. Steve was as skinny as a rake. Last time I saw him on TV he had long grey hair tied in a pony tail, and he had obviously relaxed his training somewhat! The only thing that is fast in his life these days is his food it would seem!

I was watching the news tonight and there was a report about a cheerleader who had fallen from the top of a human pyramid, landed on her head and suffered concussion. I know I shouldn't laugh, but as she was positioned on the stretcher, her neck in a brace, she continued to go through the motions of the cheer! She was waving her hands all over the place and finishing the chant! Surely the paramedics should have restrained her in case she had done any serious damage to her neck or back?!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Survey Time

I hate myself for doing these, but they do while away the hours, and allow you to know me a little better...

5 Things Game

What were you doing 10 years ago?
10 years ago I was married and working for myself in Raynes Park, London

What were you doing 1 year ago?
March 11th 2005 I was sat in the Polar Bear in Hull with my latest GF talking about how great things were going to be. She dumped me 3 months later :-DDD

Five snacks I enjoy:

1. I cannot say no to cake
2. Herseys Nuggets
3. Twix
4. Pringles
5. Bananas

Five songs to which I know all the lyrics:

1. Pride - U2
2. The Lap Dance is so Much Sweeter when the Stripper is Crying - Bloodhound Gang
3. Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison
4. Sugar We're Going Down - Fallout Boy
5. Talk - Coldplay

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:

1. Learn to Fly
2. Learn to Sail
3. New House for family
4. Make sure all my mates were secure
5. Start my own business. Would have to decide what kinda business though..!

Five bad habits:

1. I sometimes enjoy a ciggie when Im out drinking
2. I sometimes enjoy a drinky when Im out ciggie'ing
3. Sometimes Im just too nice :-)
4. Sometimes Im just too nasty
5. Oh, Whateva

Five things I like doing:

1. I used to love going running with Tony on a lunch time around Malvern, and realise I was getting fitter
2. Going for a curry at Zam Zams with my mates
3. Camping/Rafting/Surfing/Carting
4. Skiing
5. Walking up the Malvern Hills

Five things I would never wear, buy or get new again:

1. I would never wear the shorts my mate Neil put 'Death Sauce' in ever again
2. I once wore white pants to a school disco when I was 16...I looked a right twat
3. I would never clamp my tackle in Lycra shorts
4. I would never wear Burberry
5. A thong - what sort of bloke would wear one?!

Five favorite toys:

1. My iPod
2. My Ski's
3. My laptop with half Life 2 installed
4. The Powerball (check it out here) also known as the 'Wank-a-Tron'! Mike (Mr Goatse) - I seem to remember you were the biggest wanker? Although I imagine Phillip could probably give you a run for you money :-) Check out the this video - I laughed my tits off!
5. I love the Snowboarding game for the PS2 (thanks Thom!)

First Class Cabin

Here's the Blurb from the AA website. Im really looking forward to it :-)

A New Level of Comfort and Luxury

If you've ever thought about flying First Class; now's the time. At American Airlines, we're taking First Class travel to a completely new level!

Experience a new standard of comfort in international First Class with our revolutionary Flagship Suite® cabin available on select Boeing 777 aircraft. Designed so that you can work, dine, relax or sleep, our Flagship Suite cabin features privacy dividers, powerports, leather
headrests and a host of other comforts to enhance your travel experience. Whether you choose to watch a movie on your personal entertainment system, or conduct business in your personal conference area, the choice is yours. The trademark Flagship Suite feature is the specially designed swivel seat, something no other airline offers. In the Flagship Suite cabin, you can turn your seat and hold seated face-to-face conversations and business meetings.

When you're ready to sleep, settle in for a comfortable night's rest, as each Flagship Suite seat transforms into a fully flat, six-foot six-inch bed with two drop-down armrests allowing for easier access and more sleeping space.

But wait, we didn't stop there! Rest, relaxation and fully flat recline are also available on our First Class sleeper-seats in our B777 aircraft operating across the Pacific.

These state-of-the art seats are designed to give you maximum flexibility and comfort in any position.

International (Asia, Europe and South America) Features*

  • New SpAA in Flight® amenity kits. Learn more about these Temple Spa® aromatherapy travel products
  • Six-foot Six-inch fully flat sleeper seat
  • Six-way Adjustable Leather Headrest
  • Comfortable Leather and Cloth Upholstery
  • Increased Legroom
  • Electronic Lumbar Support
  • Electronic Seat Controls
  • Individual Laptop Powerports
  • Additional Storage Space for Personal Items
  • Personal Reading Lights
  • Individual Satellite Telephones
  • Personal Video with 10-channel Programming (Boeing 777) and Personal DVD Player (Boeing 767-300)
  • Bose® QuietComfort® 2 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones (Learn more about this AA exclusive)

Im just looking forward to the free ale :-)

Got My Ticket

Went to DFW today to get my upgraded ticket. I thought I'd do it 2 and a bit weeks in advance because I really don't trust anyone.

I didn't realise its Spring Break this weekend, so it was probably the worst time to go to the airport! Spring Break seems to mean two different types of people - with no exceptions. The girls are late teens/early twenties and every single one of them could be a cheerleader. If I ever have kids I hope I don't have a daughter, because she would really grow to hate me in her teen years! I would never let a daughter of mine go out look like some of these girls did!

The other set of people are the lads. I think the American term for these lads is 'Dorks' :-) I know that its probably a little unfair, because in a few years time they will have grown into proper guys, but at this level, you can see quite plainly that girls mature about 2 years quicker than guys!

Anyway, back to the DFW terminal D 'Departures' there are two different AA check in lines. The first line had about 500 people all queueing, so I thought 'Sod that one' and I headed for the other one that had about 30 people queing. I think people are sheep. They see a que and have to join it.

I decided to chance it, and join the 'self service' upgrade que, but the lady said I had to join the line of 30. I was queing for about 45 minutes and when I got to the front, the pleasant lady tried to tell me I had to join the line of 500. Ha! No way! I told her that I had been pointed to this line by the other helpful lady, and despite the stereotype of the British loving to queue, this was one Brit who actually loathed it.

She sighed and asked what she could do for me...I told her the whole story and she rang the AA customer service line. This took ages! But eventually, I had the ticket in my hand, First Class, seat 2A, which is one of the seats on my own, so I dont even have to sit next to anyone! Schweeeeet :-)

So March 31st 9:05am i'll be back in Blighty. What do I have to look forward to?

  • $7.50 a gallon of fuel
  • Riding around in my Megan instead of a Pontiac.
  • Higher prices pretty much across the board.
  • Cold weather.
  • Traffic jams.
  • Chris 'obnoxious thwaite' Moyles (I'd rather listen to 'Dee Roe'!)
  • 17.5% Vat as opposed to 8.25% sales tax

On the plus side though....

  • Going to see my gf as soon as I can pick up my hire car and drive to Malvern!
  • Seeing my family
  • Seeing my mates
  • Going surfing
  • And of course, unless Phillip dies in the sub zero temperatures this weekend, seeing him for a pint or two and marvelling at just how well Im aging :-)
It really does make me wonder why I don't think about moving out here. In my opinion, the standard of living is far greater out here than it is in the UK. On my salary, I could afford a very nice house, perhaps with a pool, big garden and a nice car. Back in the UK it will be interesting to see what sort of house/flat/apartment/shoebox I can stretch to.

Oh well, im off to the gym and then to the pool and jaccuzzi - its about 80 degrees here and lovely today...I hear the UK is expecting snow :-)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

States I Have Been Too

I have decided to list the states I've been too. Maybe one day Ill try and do them all:

Florida - Orlando
Texas - Dallas, Austin, Amarillo etc
Oklahoma - drove through the boring pan handle bit, Im sure the civilised bits are nice though
New Mexico - drove through the corner bit on way to CO. Very Road-Runner-ish
Colorado - Breckenridge, Vail etc. Lovely...
Illinois - Chicago, if you count landing there en route to Manchester Airport
Massachusettes - Boston, if you count landing there en route to Dallas

I think I should drive to Arkansas as its so close . I would love to do Arizona, California, and Oregan. So much to little time

Is Texarkana in Texas or Arkansas? I thought it was in AK? But googling says it might be in both states?

Severe Weather

Seems like we're in for some rough weather tonight...there is a tornado and a severe thunderstorm warning tonight in this area. Just hope I manage to get some sleep.

It has been pretty cloudy today, but had temperatures of around 80 degrees, so I imagine we will have thunderstorms.

Changed my jeans a 32, but they are a bit loose on me. Ill just have to wear a belt. Obviously if Im blogging about changing a pair of jeans, there isn't much going on at the moment! I have just been really busy at work. It seems really weird that 3 weeks tomorrow I'll be flying home. I have an inkling that I'll be back pretty soon though - just something my boss said today...

I have been thinking about making an iPod for myself and patenting it. I was going to name it the iRule :-)

Well, Smokey and the Bandit is on...I never realised they had to pick a load of Coors beer up from Texarkana, which is about an hours drive from Greenville (where I work) just over the boarder in Arkansas. I might have to go there before I go home.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

My Weekend

Yesterday I went to Sheplers to buy some boots, just like the ones in the picture (lucchese 2000). Got a really nice pair and they're really comfy - all I need now is some spurs fitted and i'll look like John Wayne!

Bought a pair of jeans too. I *hate* trying on clothes in a shop, so I thought 31" waist, 30" leg, that'll do nicely. Seems that waist measurements mean different things in different stores! When I got home I could barely squeeze myself into them, despite being easily able to fit into my other 31" pair. I'll have to take them back this week and get the next size.

I also listened to the Davinci Code on Audio book (Cheers Phil). I thought it was ok. I will probably go and see the film when it comes out. Seems to me that the whole Holy Grail thing and the subject in the book is something that can never be proved either way, so why all the hoo ha?! I probably missed the point entirely, but never mind.

Last night went out on Greenville Ave, which is in Dallas and is a kind of partying district, just up the road from Deep Ellum, the 'old' partying district, which has apparently gone down the nick a little in recent years, if the taxi driveer was to be believed. It was quite lively - lots of people out. We had a few beers in the bars down there then went for a Mexican - which was lovely. After that we went to watch a pretty rubbish band (they tried to cover 'Closer' by NIN, but their guitars didn't really quite capture the 'synthe sound'!)

Today I will be finishing off my washing and ironing, and probably watching the history channel! Life in the fast lane eh?

Friday, March 03, 2006

Trust No One

Whenever Im told anything by anyone in authority, I never believe them. I don't know why, but I just always think they are either lying or don't know what they're on about.

Remember how chuffed I was to be flying back to the Uk first clarss? Well, imagine my disappointment when the secretary e mailed me and said she wasn't able to upgrade me because it would cost 25,000 airmiles rather than 10,000 miles. So that was that it seemed.

Not a chance in the world!

I rang the airline and asked them to claify how many airmiles I would need. They told me it would cost 25k airmiles. "Feck" I thought

How could this be? I had been told by 2 different people that it would cost 10k air miles. I decided to e mail the customer care centre.

I got the e mail back today, and it read:

"If you have purchased a business class ticket, the the upgrade will cost you 10,000 miles. The 25,000 mile upgrade plus the $250.00 copay only applies if you have purchased an economy class ticket"

So there it was in black and white...I could upgrade for 10k miles.

I rang the booking centre....

"I'd like to upgrade my business class ticket to first class please"

"Certainly sir, the seats are available, that'll be 25k miles please"

"No you're wrong, its 10k miles"

Being told she was wrong really rubbed this lady up the wrong way! She got very shirty with me and assured me it was 25k miles. "Oh really?" I replied, "So why does your customer care department tell me I can upgrade for 10k?" (I read the e mail to her) I was put through to her supervisor...

The supervisor told me she was checking and put me on hold...

"We cant find any record of you receiving an e mail from our customer care department" (the old 'deny everything' trick')

"Well I have it in front of me here, Mrs Jane Doe sent me it, I can forward it to you if you like?"

"Well the rules are that its 25k miles, Im so sorry"

"Yes but I have it in black and white here that its only 10k miles. Are you saying your customer service people don't know the rules about your offers? I would point out to you that I fly to the states quite often, and as your flight attendants always point out to us, we have a choice of who we fly with"

"One minute, Ill have to put you on hold again"

Five minutes later....

"Sorry to keep you waiting Mr Taylor. We have decided to honour your request, and appolgise for the misunderstanding. Also we would like to assure you that the mistake in our customer help files here have been pointed out to the training department....We have several seats available, which one would you like?"

Yay! If I had trusted wat I had heard in the first place I would have been so miffed - especially after blogging about it!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Joys of Flying

Well I booked my flight home today :-( Well, the secretary did. My company flies me business class one way, so I decided to use the air miles I had aquired to upgrade to first class. I have tried dressing smartly and being polite to get a free upgrade in the past, but it never works. So I decided to go for it! I have never flown first class before (its pronounced 'Clarss" now I have decided!), so Im really looking forward to it.

I think I will choke back a few glasses of free champagne, maybe a few whiskey's too. I was looking at the wine list online today too - LOL! Its gonna rule. Do American Airlines provide massages aswell?! Basically Im going to get hold of all the free stuff I possibly can!

*Tony Hancock mode*

"No doubt I will be chatting to my fellow first class chums about fine art, literature and the state of politics in the developing world, whilst sipping a glass of finely chilled merlot, quoting poetry from the likes of Larkin, Keats, and McFly"

...but those who know me, will know I will be the annoying one laughing at the unfunny in-flight movie, and choking down the free champagne and grabbing all the free stuff I can lay my hands on, like he's never been in first clarss before :-)