Saturday, November 22, 2008

In God We Trust?

So, the credit crunch is well under way. To me, this has been a long time coming, and it was obvious something like this was just around the corner.

Anyone who lied on their mortgage application form (essentially committing fraud) is now reaping what they have sown, and I for one, have no sympathy with them.

The greedy traders who have gambled with everyones security should now be made to pay with their jobs, in my opinion.

I think this recession is going to be longer and harder than the lies we are being peddled by our politicians

I hope the legend printed on the dollar bill isn't all we have left....because then we are all totally screwed!

Oh How People Change

Or how the mighty have fallen!

I didn't realise that Johnny Rotten was now a salesman? I remember in the 70's how the Sex Pistols scared me (I was 7 years old!) As I grew up I realised they pushed the 'anti establishment' envelope, as part of the punk movement.

I even warmed to Mr Rotten in the Jungle a couple of years ago

However, tonight I saw him selling butter on TV!

What the fuck?! How do you go from 'God Save the Queen' to 'You'll never put a better bit of butter on your knife'?!

What a twat! Everything he ever says now, will be like a turd dropping out of his mouth into my drink

Wanker! I hope the money was worth it!