Sunday, April 27, 2008

Food Labelling or Ignorance is Bliss?

Have you ever tried Belgian Waffles? No? Well you should - they are yummy. Especially when they are laced with maple syrup and cream.

Anyway, yesterday, for breakfast I had six of the buggers and they were absolutely great. I enjoyed everyone of them.

It wasn't until later in the day, that a friend was round and read the food labeling information. Turns out that each waffle has 125 calories in (thats without the cream and syrup!) and 7.3 grammes of fat...So, times ll that by 6, and I have already had more than half of my calorie intake for the day - all before 9am!

Well its a good job Im off to the gym today :-)

Made me think that food labeling isn't such a good idea, because I limited my waffle intake to only 2 today :-( I had to supplement my breakfast with a fried egg sandwich, which didn't come without any guilt labeling

Ho Hum...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Some Northern Ireland Pics

Went for a short break in Northern Ireland last weekend, and had a great time! We stayed near a place called Donaghadee.

Thats where it is.

Apparently, Paddy Ashdown was raised on a farm near here. Anyway, we had a great time, and its very picturesque. I even managed to get soaked by the water coming over the wall in the harbour! I also got pretty drunk on the Guinness there (well it would have been rude not too!)

Anyway, heres some pics....enjoy....

The site where we stayed

The Lighthouse at Donaghadee

Some Lobster pots

So, here's the oldest ale house in Ireland

Heres a dramatic pic of the beach

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Question that has been Bothering Me

Its about the primaries in the US of A. Here's the scenario....

1. McCain is the Republican candidate, right...
2. Clinton and Obama are fighting for the Democratic nomination...

So, lets say, for the sake of argument, you are a intending to vote Republican in the presidential race at the end of the year, but McCain has already been selected, and the State you live in hasn't yet had a Primary vote.

So, how do you vote? If you think Clinton has the best chance of beating McCain (for example) do you vote for Obama?

Its all a bit complicated if you ask me! When don't they just have a leader of the Democrats, and a Leader of the Republicans?

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

More Vitamin A for Me, Please

I was reading the latest pile of bullshit study thats come out in the medical world (well actually Copenhagen Students), and was amazed to read:

"The researchers linked vitamin A supplements to a 16% increased risk of dying."

Fuck me, did I read that right?? As things are at the moment, I have a 100% chance of dying. So let me get this right, Dr Twat...If I eat a few carrots, I can reduce my chance of dying to only 16%??

Thats amazing...I think I'll pop down to Tesco's and stock up on Vitamin A pills and a load of Organic carrots (after all, one recent study said organic was miles better for us!)

Research Students, eh? What a bunch of stupid bastards!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Note To Self

Whenever I go around to Tony's again, make sure I remember to pack all my stuff...

So, as you can see, I am a pretty fashionable dude. I think Tony does a good job modeling the garment in the eBay picture!

Just in case you are thinking of bidding on it, I think its only fair to fill in some of the history, so you can see just what great pedigree it has come from.

I acquired the jumper around the turn of the century, but before that it was owned by one John Lennon, who is said to have written 'Help' while wearing it.

Before Mr Lennon owned it, it was reputed to be the favourite item of clothing of Mr Steve McQueen, and if you look closely, you will recognize the very same jumper in the famous motor cycle scene in the Great Escape.

However, after a drunken Friday night around a friends house, Steve McQueen left the jumper in the cats bedding, and never saw it again. Rumour has it, that, eager to cash in on celebrity, McQueens friend sold it to a traveling salesman on his way to Liverpool...

The trail of ownership goes cold now for several decades, however, it is known that while posing for the 'Your Country Needs You' posters, Lord Kitchener kept warm by wearing the very jumper that you can now bid on, on eBay....

What are you waiting for????!

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Oh I Found This

I was going through some of my old files the other day, and I came across this video of when I went to the shooting range in Texas.

If you remember I told you how rubbish I was with a gun. i think this video proves it. Look for the plume of sand at the side as i miss the target by a mile!

Yes, before anyone mentions it, I am losing my hair - get over it!

Down the Gym

I was down the gym tonight. I had a good work out - 1.5 miles in under 12 mins (11 57 to be precise) not quick, but would still pass the military fitness test (yes even at my age!) Did the cross trainer too and then did about 20 minutes of weights.

Anyway...does this scenario piss anyone else off as much as it pisses me off?

I finish at about 8pm, and i go into the changing rooms to my locker - Number one out of about 300. There is only one other guy in the *entire* volumious changing room, and he's naked, and he has locker number 2


He doesnt seem to be bothered that he's nekkid and Im at my locker, in fact he seems to be enjoying towelling himself off (thats not a eupemisim for anything 'wrong' in a public place)

So, I get my stuff out of my locker and move over to the other side of the changing room.

Some fat bastard walks in from the shower area, wrapped in a towel, and guess where he pitches up???

For fucks sake!

Anyway, I dry myself off, get changed and naff off.

Am I wrong to be miffed by this?

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The Lewis Hamilton of Malvern

Went down to Malvern on Friday to go carting on Saturday at Hereford carting (See the link here

Stayed over at Tony and Gill's on Friday night and we had a lovely evening - Gill cooked and we sat around chatting. Thom (pictured here) is Gill and Tony's son, and he delighted in winding me up about how he was going to beat me (Hmm, or was it me winding him up?) Anyway, we got to the race track and it was lovely and sunny, despite the forecast of wintery showers. There were 15 of us, most of which were poeople I used to work with, so it was great to see them all again.

Here's a group photo of us all. Note Barry 'the Ninja' at the front - Im next to him with the blue crash helmet ,and Carol is next to me with the silver helmet.

We had a couple of warm up laps and then it was into the main racing. Out of four qualifying races, I came 2nd, 1st, 1st, 4th., which got me a place in the semi finals (the 3 of the four finals)

However, towards the end of the day, we had hail and snow! So, as you can imagine, this made for pretty bad driving conditions! In my final race, as tried to cut 3 other drivers up on the first bend, but came a little unstuck - to say the least! To cut a long story short, I ended up 'cutting the grass' a lot - oh and swearing a bit too.

Anyway, all the banter, and wind up's I had directed at Thom (he's 14, I should have known better, but he taunted me just as much back!) came back to haunt me, as I relised he had made it into the final. There was no way he could win, I assured myself, but I turned out to be wrong! In fact it was a podium 1 and 3 for the Culshaw family, as Tony came in third. Anyway, heres the pics of them collecting their trophy's. Well done Thom! I expect I am *never* going to hear the last of this! Thom collects his trophy...Tony is overly emotional collecting his gong :-)

On one of the laps I was came first on, I decided I was so far in front I would try and beat the lap record, as I was so cock sure I could win the bottle of champagne on offer for the fastest time. However, this photograph shows Chris got around in 25 point something seconds...rats! I felt sure my name was on that bottle of Spumanti!

Oh well, I was robbed!