Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Pics of the Pad

Here's some pictures of the pad. This is the livingroom....
The dining room, that also doubles up as my computer room. The flowers are fake by the way. This opens right out on to the balcony... This is a shot from the balcony into the apartment. This is the view from the balcony. You can see the walkway I mentioned before from here... Here's the kitchen area. Note the five quid hanging from the fridge magnet on the freezer door :-) The utility room. Proof here that I have done some washing! The bathroom - or rest room as they seem to call it out here. I doubt anyone would want to 'rest' in here after Ive been in it! The bath...this is totally great. The bath is huge - I can almost swim in itThis is the walk in wardrobe, or closet as they call it here. Personally I think it will make a nice guest room for anyone who comes to stay! As you can see I need to buy more clothes to fill it! The bedroom...very comfy it is too!

Well Im gonna sign off - big storm just started. I fly back to the uk tomorrow, so I'll be offline for about a week. See y'all soon


I read with some bemusement that some frail 82 year old chap who escaped Nazi Germany in world war two, had been manhandled out of the 'New' Labour conference for daring to heckle at Mr Straw's speech defending Iraq policy.

Police then used powers under the anti terrorism act to stop him from getting back in. Surely this is an abuse of power by the police? Were we not assured by Blair that these new anti terror laws would only be used to curb terrorism and not be abused by those in power?

The article can be found here:

Getting Gay with Ethics


Just had one of those 'Justify HR's jobs' seminars. God I hate these things. This was about ethics, so you could argue I had the most to learn from it. So, basically we had some 'ideal' world situation and we had to use some little cubes to say if the guy did his job right (or at least thats what I think happened) I got very bored very quickly. If only I had remembered to have an adrenalin injection before going in.

'Never Engage in Insider Trading' But surely thats the best time to engage in such an activity? 'Compete Fairly for Business' I say "do it to them before they do it to you".

Ho Hum.....

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Itinery for October


I will be flying back to the UK on Thursday, then Im off to Portugal on Saturday for a holiday, which will be nice.

I have to have an immigration interview on the 12th October in London. I just love those guys in Immigration, basically, all Im going to do is go in with a smile on my face, answer their questions with a polite "yes/no/please/thank you", and try to avoid deportation :-) I intend to be in Malvern on Friday 14th October for beers and a curry perhaps.

I am soooooooo looking forward to a proper pint!

Oh...happy birthday Ali...your card is on its way :-)

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Austin With The Washbournes

Here's a couple of pics of when I went to see Rich and Krista. This is Rich's Camero. It was just too hot to pose with the roof down :-(

This is me outside a fine eating establishment called Bone Daddy's. The waitress chicks unfortunately are not on the menu though :-(

This is a pic from the Schlitterbahn waterpark. It was totally brilliant, and ill defiantely be going back there when it re-opens next May


Hello again. I bought a cable for my PC today from fry's electrical. Its a huge PC/Home Entertainment place, and I spent about an hour and a half in there before i relised the time! Anyway, I have no managed to ge the pics off my phone, so Ill post them here.

I have also installed Skype, but I dont yet have a handest, but when I do, Ill be able to call for about 1 cent a minute - usa, usa, usa!

This is my Malibu Maxx. Its very nice and comes with a lovely V6 engine. Thank God petrol is nice and cheap here...but the Americans are moaning because its $2.80 a gallon. These people need to live in rip off Britain before they open their mouths to moan about petrol prices!

Here's some pics of the apartment complex...

This was taken on the first day I got to the place, so on about 6th September.

These two are taken on the walkway at the back of my apartment. If you look at the picture on top, you can just make out my gym kit airing out on my balcony! I did wash it later - honest :-)

The walkway is about a quarter of a mile along and takes you past the volley ball court and the tennis courts. There are also some 'circuits stations' so if you run along it, you have to use the equipment along the way to do situps etc!

I took this picture on the drive into work the other morning. I drive East to Greenville along the I30 and the sun is usually just rising as Im on my way. This picture doesn't actually do the scene justice, as it was just a huge orange fireball in the sky. It looked really lovely.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Good Friends

Its 8pm here now, and Ive been watching all the hurricane stuff on CNN. Goolag and Becky called from the UK to make sure I was ok - bless them! Its always great to hear a friendly voice, even if it is 2am in the Uk and your mates are a little worse for wear :-)
The weather here is still ok, just a bit cloudy and it seemed to get darker quicker than usual tonight. Still warm though, had a beer on the balcony in just my shorts. Hmmm sweet beer...
I will upload some photo's of my stay here soon...when I get my camera. I have some on my phone, but I haven't brought my connector with me - d'oh.

For those who don't yet know, my sister was released on Tuesday. I swear she is more level headed and mature than I am, and I am really proud of her. She has been through hell and back, and come out the other side. I certainly hope I never have to walk a mile in her shoes, because she is made of stronger metal than me.

Now then, where did I put my beer.....



Rita's Arrival

Well, it looks like Rita will make land fall early tomorrow morning on the Texan/Louisiana border. I think we will be lucky if we get any rain from it. Driving home from work yesterday on the I635 I noticed a couple of people in trucks with everthing they owned in the back. Of course the religious right here have been telling us all God is angry with us, and that we must all repent or go to Hell. They were likening it to the destruction of Jerusalem and how Daniel was spared and given mercy. Luckily, these days, all we need to do to receive Gods mercy is phone in with your credit card and make a donation. Its great to know that God is keeping up with technology and is now accepting Amex.

Here's some pictures of Katrina:


Hello, Welcome to my Blog. I will be keeping you up-to-date with what Im up to here in the U S of A. Im working in Greenville in Texas, but live about an hour away in Farmers Branch