Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Prevention is Better than a Cure

Wouldn't it make total sense if the NHS could prescribe physical exercise?

I was talking to my sister about this today. She reckoned it would be great if the NHS paid for her to have weekly gym sessions, as exercise has been linked to enhancing peoples moods, and contributing to an overall sense of well being.

For me too, I am managing my diabetes with diet and exercise, so surely it would be prudent for the NHS to pay towards my gym membership.

I can hear you all now, howling 'No Way! pay for it yourself!', and to a degree I was playing Devils Advocate, and Im sure if I went to my Dr he would say something along the lines of

'Nice try, Mr Taylor, now piss off, I have work to do'

However, imagine if I was a woman, and went to him, crying and wanting bigger tits. They would pay!

It seems to me the NHS forks out for stuff that isn't necessarily a medical condition, whereas, someone with depression or diabetes could really benefit from an NHS funded gym

Rant over!


Anonymous said...

Did you know...

that if you are too fat, that the NHS will pay for a membership to slimmers world? They wont pay your gym fee, but they will feed an organisation that profits from people who cant stop eating cakes.



Mark T said...

I didn't know that, but it makes my point well. I think its probably one big con to keep people ill, so the drugs companies can profit - you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.

My sister went to weight watchers for a year, and lost hardly anything (apart from the large weekly fee!) then she saw what a con it was, and left - within a month she had lost more weight than the whole year at WW!

Mark T said...

I have just done some maths...

To pay for a gym membership for a high risk individual for a year, it would cost a little less than 500 quid

To put an individual on metformin for a year would cost upwards of 6k

But then of course, the drug companies wouldn't be able to make a profit if we all took responsibility for our ill's would they?

Anonymous said...

Did you know...

that at my local council run sports centre, I have to pay £5.10 to use the local facilities. The local dole scoundrals get to use it for free. So not only am I paying their keep, paying for the upkeep of the gym and the salaries of the staff there, I have to pay to use the fucking gym that I already pay for..!!!!

Im sure glad the local scum can keep their money for ciggies and chips.
