Sunday, December 21, 2008


I read with utter amazement and incredulity that it is looking very likey that the British taxpayer will be bailing out Jaguar/Land Rover!

This company is foreign owned! Whats more, it is owned by a company that supports a formula 1 team!

Why didn't Goober Brown bailout Woolies - they only owed 385 million sheets - arse pocket change compared with Jag. The jobs there were just as important as Jaguars

Also, wasn't one of this wonderful governments policies to take big thirsty cars off the road? They should be clapping their hands that Jag/Land Rover are going to the wall. I think that the 'Greenwash' policies we saw are now going to be sidelined (so its not all bad then!)

Anyway, as a Jaguar owner myself, I want to see them go to the wall - it will mean my car will become more sought after, virtually over night!

1 comment:

phil said...

well, i did my little bit. i took one land rover off the road