Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bus Drivers

My uncle Phillip is/was a bus driver, but maybe he should think again about his chosen profession....

Seems bus drivers are more likely to die earlier than lawyers/solicitors and other professionals.

One thing is certain is a terminal disease and we all go sometime! It makes me wonder - all these professionals may live longer, but is their quality of life in the latter years worth it? I mean what is the point of spending the twilight years sat in a nappy, dribbling and not knowing what day it is?



Angie said...

Sitting just as Grandad is now. I've already given Rob ind#structions that if I end up like that to bump me off.

phil said...

it is the stress and boredom that gets you, i dont have any of either, i am in my own little world when im behind the wheel. i dont let anything get me down with the traffic, after all im getting paid if i sit in a queue for an hour or if im tootling along a deserted road all day, so im chilled, and i have my personal stereo tuned to talk sport so i dont hear any of the cackling coming from behind me.............i'll live to 150 me

phil said...

woo hoo angela pass me the gun lol