Monday, February 19, 2007


I watched Babel last night, with Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchet, well obviously, they didn't come around to my house to watch it with me, they are in the film. Glad we cleared that up :-)

I decided to watch it, because it had got loads of good reviews. Was I watching the same film? It was an utter load of pants!

The film maker had obviously tried to be clever, and inter-weave lots of seemingly different stories. He failed miserably if you ask me. The title, Babel, infers some kind of translation theme. So we have the Morrocan family, the Mexican child minder, the deaf mute Japanese girls and US tourists.

Spoilers dont read on if you plan on wasting your cash....

Here are some questions that I have about the film. Im sure I must have missed some point somewhere, so help me out

1. What was the point of making the Japanese girls deaf and mute? As I see it, the film would have worked just as well if they weren't?

2. What did the Japanese girl write on the note to the policeman?

3. What was the point of the Morrocan lad tugging himself off after looking at his sister? How did this incest sub plot further the main plot?

4. What was the point (again!) of the Mexican woman, Aunty Amelia, getting a snog off that Mexican guy who had lost his wife 10 years earlier?

Im sure there are lots of other 'What was the Point' questions, but these will do for now.

1 comment:

phil said...

wasnt until i got to the second paragraph i saw it was a film called babel, i thought you had watched the film babe about the pig lol silly me (i dont do films much)