Saturday, March 18, 2006

Sense of Direction

It seems that a lack of sleep can affect (effect? I can never remember) your ability to find your way around. Rubbish i say...

My sense of direction, or lack of it, is legendary. But i regularly get upwards of eight hours of sleep a night (beauty sleep you see - not that I really need it) I just get lost anywhere. My dad and my brother are just as bad, if not as worse as me, and they're not sleep deprived. Obviously my brother really does need his beauty sleep.

Studies in rats have shown that the less sleep Rodney the rat gets, the worse his spatial ability.

Roland wished he had got more sleep last night. His Mrs really nags im on these long journeys. He wishes they would hurry up and invent 'Rat Nav' :-)
Is it genetic? Nope. A friend of mine has a worse sense of direction than me. He once went to a restaurant yards from his hotel, and when he walked out he turned the wrong way in the street and ended up having to get a taxi back a few hours later!

Is it a geograpical problem? Maybe. I have found since being in the US, that my lack of navigational ability isn't quite as bad as it is in the UK. Yesterday I drove all the way from Fort Worth and didnt even get lost once. So what you say?...thats a big acheivement for me!

I think these scientists need to do more tests.


Evo1 said...

No one has a worse sense of direction than me.

You may not believe it, but I still have to ask Mrs Evo the way to the lavvy in our house.

phil said...

just head for the smell evo