Saturday, February 25, 2006

Guns and Ammo

Had a great day today...went to a shooting range this afternoon with Dave of the RAF, Dave G who I used to work with, Rob who i work with, and Tom from skiing (and work)

We got there and we chose our weapons. Tom brought his own gun, a Heckler and Koch pistol, a bit like this one:

We also chose a Glock 9mm handgun and another one, whose name I cant remember but it shot .45mm shells and had a bigger recoil

This is Dave with the Glock. Really quite scary....
This is me locking and loading. I reckon even I cud hit the target from this distance. The words 'barn door at 5 yards' spring to mind though.
IThis is me letting off a few rounds

This is Dave shooting quite well

All in all, Tom and the two Daves shot the best, but they had done some shooting before in some shape or form.

I utterly sucked. In fact it was joked that if I went on a rampage, the intended victims would have a btter chance of survival if they stood high on desks or cabinets, as my shots seemed to aim low. meaning if my victims hid under a desk id probably hit a few of them. Of course i would never do that though...

I was utterly amazed to see some people coming in with evil looking sniper rifles complete with telescopic lenses! There was even a fully automatic machine gun for hire for $20...I was soooo tempted!

I have a video of me shooting too, just need to work oout how to post videos though....


phil said...

and there was me, thinking you only shot blanks. i heard your nickname was jaffa.

Mark T said...

no you heard wrong Phil, I have chosen thus far not to have children, and live a life of happiness and exploring lands afar,rather than staying in Hull and not expanding my horizons. This will help me become a better parent, when I do have kids. I believe that a child would be happier with parents that are well adjusted and happy in their situation rather than parents who are together just for 'the sake of the children' When I have kids it will be because *we* want to bring them into this world and look after them, not because they have been accidently conceived. As for shooting blanks - I doubt it, but ya never know! Caveat - I am writing this while drunk, so if this has annoyed you Phil, Tough :-)

phil said...

oooooh you little tinker.

Anonymous said...

I want a gun!

*Girls with Guns!*