Sunday, August 17, 2008

Worcester Beer Festival

This weekend I was at the 9 and three quarters worcester beer festival. It would have been the tenth but due to global warming (my arse) last year flooded and so was postponed (do you get the clue there? Global WARMING, not global FLOODING!).

I took the Jag out for a spin down to Worcester too, and it was lovely :-)

The weather was actually quite nice, and the rain held off for most of the day. It was nice to catch up with everyone too.

A number of people I haven't seen for quite some time, and a couple of people were quite surprised to hear I had left 3 years ago :-) Three people litterally grabbed me and asked 'Where do I know you from?!'

One even asked if he had seen me fronting some band from Manchester!

Anyway, it was good to bump into Mr Ross (Hello!) and he told me he had stumbled over this blog when he did a search on Beer Festival and mine came up second in the listings!

I think I managed to sample around five or six of the hundred or so beers there (I lost count after about 3!)

Anyway...looking forward to next year already :-)

Monday, August 11, 2008

More Surfing Pics

Hopefully blogger will play ball now...more pictures...

This is the 'pool' can see the rain falling hard in the back ground

Look at the way the rain dances in the sun beams. :-(

An action shot of the rain hitting the decking

It didn't stop us getting aled up though!

R.I.P Chef

So, Issac Hayes has died. That is sad news. Reports say that the cause of death is, as yet, unknown. However his wife found him next to a treadmill. Now Im not a betting man, but I reckon its pretty obvious what killed him :-D

This Weekends Surfing Washout!

Well it wasn't quite a washout - Friday was good day, I even managed to get sun burnt. Saturday sucked. Horizontal rain and very strong winds.

Anyway, here are some pictures. Enjoy!

This is me. I was bored on the drive down. Funny hat, funny grin + camera = great picture

Arriving in Woolacombe on Thursday night. Yes I was bored.

Breakfast on Friday morning. The stove is courtesy of Phillip...apparently it used to be Evo's. All I know, is that it cooks a mean sausage.

Here's Tony auditioning for 'Master Chef'. However, I think his breakfast was more 'Come Dine With Me'!

Remember a few months ago, I left my jumper at Tony's, so he decided to auction it off on eBay? Well here is proof I have paid him the penny he was owed after my winning bid :-)

Leah turned up...gurning. An attractive look, Im sure you'll agree!

My uncle has recently got a caravan, so he has 'given' me his 'old' 9 man tent. It is great! Its huge. It certainly passed the hurricane test. Im just looking forward to when he gets fed up with his caravan - i'll certainly give him 40 quid for it!

Well I was trying to upload more photo's, but blogger seems to be shit. I'll add more when the internal server error sorts itself out.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Some Pics from Northern Ireland

Last weekend I was in Northern Ireland. Here are some of the pics I took. We were at the Ulster Folk museum, and it was very interesting. Then we headed to the transport museum, which was good too...Enjoy!

Here's Carol in one of the period houses. The whole place is setup like a little village, and goes some way to show what life was life in 'olden days'

This picture here shows the coal merchant, a Mr John Kelly :-) And here is Mr Kelly's premises

This is the inside of one of the posher places. It was all very well presented, and gave a really good feel of what it must have been like. Also, in the coal fires, they were burning peat(he was a bit pissed off I think!) and it smelled really nice. There was also guides dressed in period costume too

Here's a picture of me and one of the statues :-)