Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Week Off

Had my last day at work yesterday, and now I have the rest of the week off! Yippee! I didn't get up until 8:30 this morning, which is a good lay in for me.

Off into Lincoln today to sort some stuff out for the new job, and to print some pics from my mum and dads holiday.

Tomorrow I'll be off to Malvern for a few days. You can't beat not being at work :-)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Well well, it seems that its now a good idea to swear at work


Well cock-a-doodle-f*cking-do! Who came up with this friggin' gem?! I could have told the daft b*stards that.

Well, im off for a solidarity building session with my c*nting contemparies

I love swearing I do!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The X Factor

So, who's been watching this? I have, and yes, I know I need to seek treatment for trash TV addiction. Im a hopeless junky...they told me how good it would feel, but not how baaaad :-(

Anyway, I was really surprised that Ghostt didn't get through. I thought they deserved a place in the last 3. Im so glad Icaro didn't get through - I just can't believe he got as far as he did!

Also, I know Im being horribly manipulatedby the editing of the show, but Rhydian really is coming over as a total slimey toad. Pervesely, I really hope he doesn't get voted off early - I think it will make good telly! Also, can anyone else see his first job after X Factor playing a pantomime villan in a Panto somewhere?!

My tip for the winner...Same Difference. Creepy brother and sister duo, but very smiley, and quite tuneful. Far too many hugs and kisses between them though!

And There's More...

Guess which city came 9th in the most harmful drinking hotspots?!

Hardly surprising though with a several pubs on every street corner...

Monday, October 15, 2007

No Prizes

Well, it seems the worst place to live is Middlesborough...no prizes for guessing which city came second :-D

New Beginnings

Its been a couple of weeks since I last posted, this is mainly due to hectic times at work and home.

Anyway, I have a new job...I have decided to take the plunge and go contracting - basically self employed. I never blog about work on here, so those that read this and know me, will already know where Im off to and what Im doing, those that don't know yet, will know in due course!

Anyway...more posts soon :-)

Sunday, October 07, 2007


Well I have re-posted the pictures below, but if it doesnt work this time I dunno what to do.

Things have been very hectic lately, and show no signs of slowing down at all. Mind you, I have been pretty good this year and have already managed to start some christmas shopping. I should be in Malvern again this year for christmas, so no doubt I will be catching up with a few of you.

I see Gordon Brown has whimped out of an early election. Chump. It made me laugh when I heard him say that he thought the public didn't want an election this autumn. How arrogant of him to know what we want! Then in the same program a poll showed that nearly 80% of people wanted an election! Well done Gordon, you certainly have your finger on the pulse of the nation you lord over.