I don't know about anyone else, but I am utterly sick to death of hearing about global warming and the impending doom this planet is facing.
Im never one to trust any snivelling little bastard politician who tells me to do as he says, not as he does. Especially when he tells me that its going to cost more to drive my car or take a plane trip.
So I decided to have a look at global temperatures over the last few hundred years. As you can see from the graph below, it makes for interesting reading...

It would indeed seem to indicate that temperatures are rising (well at least in central England anyway)
On closer inspection, it seems that the 5 year mean temperature has shot up, but look at the fluctuations of the annual mean.
So, what caused the Little Ice Age? Imagine if that happened now...politicians would be screaming for us to burn more fossil fuels! And judging by this graph, the world has had heat waves before some cad built an internal combustion engine, or had even thought about a coal fired power station.
Why was it so cold after the industrial revolution, when you would imagine there would be much more pollution than there is today, which you would have expected to be in the atmosphere trapping all the heat inside (just like they reckon happens now)
I'll tell you what I think. The graph points out that the global warming scare started in the late 80's. Since this time, a hell of a lot of the rain forests had been cut down, which in turn reduced the worlds biggest CO2 sink. This in turn has lead to the atmosphere having to deal with more green house gasses, which has lead to a bit of a warming up.
However, the politicians see this has a fab opportunity to tax us even more for flights, cars etc. I wonder if Blair's final farewell tour around the world was 'carbon neutral'
Do as he says, people, not as he does....